


       教授,博士生导师,中国科学技术大学电子科学与技术系副主任, 医学影像中心主任。1997-2005 年,在北京解放军总医院放射科从事磁共振成像的研究工作,2001-2006 年在美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院放射科从事 磁共振介入和基因/干细胞治疗的研究工作;2003 至 2004 年在约翰霍普金 斯大学生物系学习;之后,在美国华盛顿大学放射科、干细胞与再生医学研 究所从事磁共振引导介入治疗和分子影像的研究工作;2011-2012 年,在中 科院深圳先进技术研究院从事磁共振成像的研究工作;2013 年起,在中国 科学技术大学从事生物医学工程和医学影像方面的教学和科研工作,包括磁 共振微创介入治疗、神经影像、磁共振成像方法等研究工作。出国前,主持和参加国家自然科学基金 5 项,在美期间,参加或参与主持 5 个 NIH/R01项目,主持完成 Royal Research、RSNA 等 5 个项目,获得 7 项国际学术奖励;回国后,主持和参加 973 各 1 项,参加广东省创新团队项目、国家自然科学基金以及其他多个项目,发表 生物医学工程有关的 SCI 论文和国际学术会议文章 150 余篇,申请专利 30 余项,担任 JMRI、MRM、JBMR 以及《中国医学影像学》等杂志稿件的评审工作。 

1. Lei H, Nan X, Wang Z, Gao L, Xie L, Zou C, Wan Q, Pan D, Beauchamp N, Yang X, Matula T, Qiu B*, Stem Cell Labeling with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using Focused Ultrasound and MRI Tracking, Journal of Nanosci and Nanotech, 2013;

2. Xie G, Song Y, Shi C, Feng X, Zheng H, Weng D, Qiu B, Liu X, Accelerated magnetic resonance imaging using the sparsity of multi-channel coil images, Magn Reson Imaging. 2013 doi:pii: S0730-725X (13) 00338-X. 10.1016;

3. He S, Xie G, Chung Y, Ding Y, Liu X, Qiu B*, Performance Analysis of 2D GRAPPA and Partial Fourier GRAPPA for 3D MRI, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2013 Oct, Volume 44, Issue 10, pp 1199-1212

4. Mei L, Long X, Diao Y, Huang Q, Yu H, Yang W, Standish LJ, Qiu B*, MRI evaluation of metal acupuncture needles, Acupuncture in Medicine, 2013 Aug 16;

5. Long Q, Qiu B, Wang K, Yang J, Jia C, Xin W, Wang P, Han R, Fei Z, Liu W, Genetically engineered bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells improve functional outcome in a rat model of epilepsy, Brain Research, 2013 Aug 7;

6. Meng Y, Wang J, Sun J, Zhang F, Willis F, Wang H, Zhang T, Soriano S, Qiu B, Yang X, 3T MRI of Intracoronary Local Delivery of Motexafin Gadolinium into Coronary Artery Walls, Radiology. 2013 Mar 19;

7. Gao L, Xie L, Long X, Wang Z, He C, Chen Z, Zhang L, Nan X, Lei H, Liu X, Liu G, Lu J, Qiu B*, Efficacy of MRI Visible Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Delivering Minicircle DNA into Liver via Intrabiliary Infusion, Biomaterials,2013 May;34(14):3688-96;

8. Wan Q, Xie L, Gao L, Wang Z, Nan X, Lei H, Long X, Chen Z, Liu X, Qiu B*, Self-assemble magnetic theranostic nanoparticles for highly sensitive MRI of minicircle DNA delivery, Nanoscale 2013 Jan 21;5(2):744-52;

9. Xie G, Feng X, Christodoulou AG, Weng D, Liu X, Qiu B*, High resolution dynamic cardiac MRI using partial separability of spatiotemporal signals with a novel sampling scheme, Magn Reson Imaging. 2013 May;31(4):529-37;

10. Long X, Zhang L, Liao W, Jiang C, Qiu B, Distinct Laterality Alterations Distinguish Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease From Healthy Aging:Statistical Parametric Mapping with High Resolution MRI, Human Brain Mapping, 2012 Aug 28;

11. Zhang N, Zhang L, Qiu B, Meng L, Wang X, Hou BL. Correlation of volume transfer coefficient K(trans) with histopathologic grades of gliomas. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2012 May 11;

12. Long Q, Qiu B, Liu W, Fei Z, Feng G, Wang P, Zhong J, Yi X, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Han R. Functional recovery and neuronal regeneration of a rat model of epilepsy by transplantation of Hes1-down regulated bone marrow stromal cells. Neuroscience. 212 (2012) 214–224;

13. Long X, Liao W, Jiang C, Liang D, Qiu B, Zhang L. Healthy Aging: An Automatic Analysis of Global and Regional Morphological Alterations of Human Brain. Acad Radiol. 2012 Apr 14.

14. Feng X, Xie G, He S, Kou B, Zou C, Zheng H, Liu X, Qiu B*, A Robust Algorithm for High Resolution Dynamic MRI Based on the Partially Separable Functions Model, Magn Reson Imaging. 2012 Jun; 30(5):620-6;

15. Meng Y, Zhang F, Blair T,  Gu H, Feng H, Wang J, Yuan C, Zhang Z, Qiu B, Yang X, MRI of auto-transplantation of bone marrowderived stem-progenitor cells for potential repair of injured arteries. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31137. Epub 2012 Feb 17;

16. Yan F, Li X, Jin Q, Jiang C, Zhang Z, Ling T, Qiu B, Zheng H, Therapeutic Ultrasonic Microbubbles Carrying Paclitaxel and LyP-1 Peptide: Preparation, Characterization and Application to Ultrasound- Assisted Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Cells. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2011 May; 37(5):768-79;

17. Gu H, Zhang F, Meng Y, Qiu B, Yang X. Development of a 0.014-inch, anti-solenoid loop MR imaging guidewire for intravascular 3.0-T MR imaging. Magn Reson Imaging. 2011 Jun 24;

18. Meng X, Zhang F, Valji K, Xie D, Gu H, Blair T, Li X, Qiu B, Shan H, Yang X. Ultrasound Guidance for the Creation of a Small Animal Model of Aortic Injury. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2011 May 12;

19. Meng Y, Zhang F, Gu H, Wang J, Yuan C, Zhang Z, Qiu B and Yang X, Intravascular 3.0 T MRI Using an Imaging-Guidewire: a Feasibility Study in Swine. Applied Magnetic Resonance, Jan 2011, Volume 40(1):105-112;

20. Xie D, Qiu B, Zhang J and Yang X, Visualization and Characterization of Atherosclerotic Plaques by Micro-MRI at 4.7 T In Vivo and 11.7 T Ex Vivo. Applied Magnetic Resonance, Dec 2010, Volume 39(4):373-380;

21. Li X, Gu H, Feng H, Du X, Qiu B, Yang X, Clinical 3.0 T Magnetic Resonance Scanner to Be Used for Imaging of Mouse Atherosclerotic Lesions, Applied Magnetic Resonance, Dec 2010, Volume 39(4):401-407;

22. Xie D, Qiu B*, Walczak P, Li X, Ruiz-Cabello J, Minoshima S, Bulte JW, Yang X, Optimization of Magnetosonoporation for Stem Cell Labeling, NMR Biomed. 2010 Jun;23(5):480-4;

23. Qiu B*, Xie D, Walczak P, Ruiz-Cabello J, Minoshima S, Bulte JW, Yang X, Magnetosonoporation: Ultrasound-Enhanced Magnetic Labeling of Stem Cells. Magn Reson Med. 63(6):1437-41, 2010;

24. Qiu B, Treuting P, Zhan X, Xie D, Frevert C, Yang X, Dual Transfer of GFP Gene and Motexafin Gadolinium into Stem- Progenitor Cells: Toward in vivo MRI of stem cell-mediated gene therapy of atherosclerosis, Acad Rad, 2010 May;17(5):547-52;

25. Qiu B, Yang X, Molecular MRI of Hematopoietic Stem-progenitor Cell Homing to Atherosclerosis: A potential newavenue for in vivo monitoring of stem cell-mediated vascular gene therapy, Nature in CPCM 2008 Jul;5(7):396-404;

26. Qiu  B,  Gao  F,  Karmarkar  P,   Atalar  E,  Yang  X,  Intracoronary  MR  Imaging  Using  a  Novel  0.014-inch MRImaging-Guidewire: Toward MRI-Guided Coronary Interventions, J Magn Reson Imaging. 2008 Aug;28(2):515-8;

27. Brushett C, Qiu B, Atalar E, Yang X, High-Resolution MR Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque in Deep-Seated Arteries Using Motexafin Gadolinium, J Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2008 Jan;27(1):246-50;

28. Qiu B, Gao F, Walczak P, Zhang J, Kar S, Bulte JW, Yang  X. In Vivo MR Imaging of Bone Marrow Cells  Trafficking to Atherosclerotic Plaques, J Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2007, Vol. 26 (2): 339-343;

29. Gao F, Kar S, Zhang J, Qiu B, Walczak P, Larabi M, Xue R, Frost E, Qian Z, Bulte JWM., Yang X, MRI of intravenously injected bone marrow cells homing to the site of injured arteries, NMR in Biomedicine, 2007 Feb 7;

30. Gao F, Qiu B, Kar S, Zhan X, Hofmann LV, Yang X, Intravascular magnetic resonance/radiofrequency enhanced gene therapy of atherosclerotic in-stent restenosis, Academic Radiology 2006 Apr ;13:526-30;

31. Kar S, Kumar A, Gao F, Zhan X, Qiu B, Yang X. Percutaneous optical imaging system to track reporter gene expression from vasculatures in vivo, Journal of Biomedical Optics 2006 May-Jun;11(3):34008;

32. Qiu B, El-Sharkawy AM, Paliwal V, Karmarkar P, Atalar E, Yang X, Simultaneous RF Heating and MR Thermal Mapping Using An Intravascular MR-Imaging/RF-Heating System, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2005 June;54(1):226-230;

33. Qiu B, Karmarkar P, Brushett C, Gao F, Kon R, Kar S, Atalar E, Yang X. Development of an 0.014-in magnetic resonance imaging guidewire. Magn Reson Med. 2005 Apr;53(4):986-90;

34. Chen HH, Visage CL, Qiu B, Du X, Ouwerkerk R, Leong KW, Yang X, MR Imaging of Biodegradable Polymeric Microparticles: A Potential Method of Monitoring Local Drug Delivery, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2005;53 (3):614-20;

35. Du X, Qiu B, Zhan X, Kolmakova A, Gao F, Hofmann LV, Cheng L, Chatterjee S, Yang X, Radiofrequency-enhanced vascular gene transduction using an intravascular MR imaging-guidewire as a heat vehicle, Radiology. 2005 Sep; 236(3):939-44;

36. Du X, Yang Y, Visage CL, Chen HH, DeJong R, Qiu B, Wang D, Leong KW, Hamper UM, Yang X. In vivo US monitoring of catheter-based vascular delivery of gene microspheres in pigs: Feasibility, Radiology 2003; 228:555-559;

37. Qiu B, Yeung C, Du X, Atalar E, Yang X. Development of an intravascular heating source using an MR imaging guidewire. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2002.16:716-720;

38.Fang L, Wang Y, Qiu B, Qian Y. Fast maximum intensity projection algorithm using shear warp factorization and reduced resampling. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2002. 47: 696-700;